You’ve probably heard about it, you’ve probably seen it on your scorecard. But what is a golf handicap? In this blog post we are going to simply explain what is a golf handicap. If you’re new to the channel make sure to subscribe. We upload golf content weekly.
What Is A Golf Handicap?
What is a golf handicap? It is a system that equalizes the playing field, no matter the skill level.
Picture this, we’re putting you in a 200m race, and next to you is Usain Bolt . . . how fair would that race be? To make this race a little more competitive, we are going to place you 100 meters ahead of Usain, and then we’ll see if you have a chance to keep up.
The same principle can be applied with golf, such as that Usain Bolt example, there are people in golf, who have a lot of different skill levels. If you want to join a competition or be part of a men’s or women’s league, there will be a lot of golfers who are way better than you or vice versa. For this reason, having a handicap system will even out the playing field so people can play competitive golf, enjoy it, and still have a chance to win prizes.

Using The Golf Handicap With Friends And Family
Tyson, from our channel, has an annual golf tournament with his family, which includes a lot of people at different skill levels. His family established a handicap system before they play, that way everyone (golfer or not) can have fun, be competitive, and everyone has a shot to win.
Having a handicap in place is also nice when you’re golfing with your friends. Some friends are better than others but you want to go out and have a good time. Establishing a handicap can keep both you and your friends competitive with each other, and can have little side wagers while you play.
The 2020 World Handicap System
As of January 2020 The world handicap system has been implemented. Before that, there were multiple handicap systems, including the USGA handicap system, and it was a little confusing, as other areas of the world had a different way of calculating the golf handicap.
Now, it’s a lot more simple across the world. One handicap system to rule them all. And now to get your Handicap Index, it’s a lot easier to calculate as well. All you need is your 20 most recent scores, and you take the average of your eight best scores from those 20 rounds, and that is your handicap.

Changes With The 2020 World Handicap System
Some of the major changes with the new 2020 World Handicap System include:
- Daily Revisions: this will keep your handicap up-to-date and can be refreshed overnight.
- Weather Conditions: Depending on bad, poor weather conditions, your handicap will be adjusted accordingly.
- Net Double Bogey System: Your handicap will only count a max of a net double bogey on any hole.
- Exceptional Scores: If you score 7 strokes or better, your handicap will adjust accordingly.
Calculating The Formula For A Course Handicap
Quick recap: your Handicap Index is the average of your best eight scores of your most recent 20 rounds reported–this is your personal handicap. A Course Handicap exists because every course has a different level of difficulty. Some courses are way harder than other courses, so you need to apply your personal handicap to the course handicap to get your true score for that course.
In the image below, you can see the formula for applying the Course Handicap. First you take your personal Handicap Index, and you multiply that by the slope rating of the course, which can be found on the scorecard, divided by 113 (which is basically the average slope rating for all courses). You then add the course rating, which is also on the scorecard, minus the par of the course, which is generally 72. This formula will adjust your personal handicap for that particular course that you play by a couple of strokes

How To Get An Official Handicap Index
In a nutshell, that’s the new world handicap system for you. If you want to get an official handicap, you can reach out to your local golf club, or reach out to the Allied Golf Association (which can cost up to $50 to join, but there are perks that come with it). With an official handicap, you can participate in more serious golf competitions. However, if you don’t want to do the official one, and pay the $50, there are also apps out there where you can get your handicap as well.
We like to use apps such as Swing U or 18 Birdies to get our handicap index. There are calculators online where you get your handicap as well. Most local courses with men’s and women’s league don’t require an official handicap anyway, but require a starting handicap index, which will update over the time of you playing in the league.
Final Case For Using A Golf Handicap
The golf handicap can be great to use when you play with friends and family. It’s a great way for local courses to make tournaments more competitive. Many courses even put into different heats, or pools, so you’re playing against people who have a similar handicap.
It’s difficult to have a fun, competitive round if the people you are playing with are on a completely separate level. Yes, the person with the lower handicap will know that they are the true victor, but when it comes to having a friendly competition, the golf handicap makes it possible for all skill levels to play!
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